Friday, June 18, 2010

::++WHO IS ME ?++::

She's the girl that has a few best friends & doesn't need anymore, the girl that laughs the hardest at her own jokes. She's the girl that will hang up on you, but then call you right back & say sorry. She's the girl who will never leave your side when you need her, the girl who will go out of her way to cheer you up. She's the girl who never sleeps without her teddy bear by her side, she's the girl who says she isn't ticklish, but really is. She's the girl who will not give up on you if she really believes in you. She's the girl who believes in loving somebody forever.

She goes through each day, With a smile on her face
She holds herself well, With much poise and grace
She laughs and she smiles, She seems so happy and free
But deep deep inside, There’s something no one can see
When you look at her you think, She has must have everything
But you’ll never know, The song she must sing
Its one filled with grief, Lonely and sad
You cant see the loss, The horrid experiences she had
So while you see laughter, When you look into her eyes
Its just her way to hide, All the tears she has cried
She goes through the same, Time after time
She watches everyone’s happy ending, Wondering where’s mine



  1. its describes me too...actually its not dat hard to understand girl like us....simple thing like balloon and ice cream were gud enough for us rite? simple words can make us cry but simple word as sorry were gud enough oredy.betol x?

  2. huu . actually sume girl mcm niyh kot . yeah simple thing , even simple thought pown dah cukup . (:


terima kaseh daun keladi,
esok esok comment lah lagi (: